Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Alexander the Great:Before the Founder of Alexandria.

The Macedonian King,Alexander the Great
Imagine yourself in Greece, who lived in the 4th century BC. That was him,Alexander the Great. He was a Macedonian King,who admired the Greek-culture and conquered the lands of Greece to Egypt to India, spreading Greek culture and building his empire. Throughout his empire, He investigated the geography found in many of the conquered cities. Wow! This guy must've been amazing at fighting! I wonder if he still fought in Alexandria before he died pretty early of the age 33...

The Birth of the Library of Alexandria

Library of Alexandria,currently
Okay, so we've heard what the Library is,the most important library in the world! And we've also heard how it was destroyed,while Emperor Aurelian and Queen Zenobia of Nabataea(Naba what-a?) were at war. But have we ever heard the story of when it was made and who made it? Created by the command of the first Ptolemaic rules of Egypt to preserve the light of Hellenic civilization and the sum of ancient Egyptian Knowledge. The library was made under Ptolemy I Soter in 290 BC. Remember Alexander the Great? What was he before he became founder of Alexandria? How did he order the people of Greece to put Alexandria on the mainland of Egypt?

The Destruction of the Library of Alexandria

In 272 CE, Queen Zenobia of Nabataea(Naba what-a?) launched a war against Emperor Aurelian and struck into Egypt (Uh oh! Egypt will not be happy!). The harbor of Alexandria was badly damaged,and it's likely that most of what remained of the library was burned! Wow! It was burned! But I wonder, who built the library and why?
The Library of Alexandria,destroyed

The Library of Alexandria

So, imagine yourself as an important library named Alexandria. You are an important institution in the history of literature and Egypt along with its royalty.But its destruction in the first century BC didn't spell the end of the ancient library. In 1990, the library was re-built and is still a library. Whoa! It was destroyed? Why and Who done it?

The Library of Alexandria,long ago...

Alexander the Great and how he found Alexandria

So, like imagine yourself having a dream about a Greek poet named Homer. And he's like totally reading a verse that you should go to Egypt to an island called Pharos. Guess who had that dream? Alexander the Great! So, he wanted a great city in Egypt so he ordered the city to put it on the mainland. They had like, no chalk at all! So instead they used flour. Lots of birds came and ate all the flour! Alexander was troubled by this omen. Prophets said this was a good omen! And that's how Alexander the Great in April 331 B.C., found Alexandria.
Flag of Alexandria